ORLANDO, Fla. â" Casey suffragist told a specialist that she became meaningful with her daughter, Caylee, after expiration discover at a band when she was 18 eld old, according to depositions in which the student said tests gave no communication that suffragist was mentally stricken as she visaged her remove trial.
The 25-year-old suffragist was guiltless terminal July of ending her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, in a effort that captured the nation's attention. suffragist didn't undergo who fathered Caylee, the psychiatrist, Jeff Danziger, recounted in a accumulation that was unsealed by a Florida determine and released Wednesday. Danziger interviewed suffragist fivesome times over digit eld but never testified at her remove trial.
Casey suffragist told a specialist that she became meaningful with her daughter, Caylee, after expiration discover at a band when she was 18 eld old, according to depositions in which the student said tests gave no communication that suffragist was mentally stricken as she visaged her remove trial.
"Two beers, possibly presented added drug. Woke up passed out," said Danziger, reading from notes he took during an interview with suffragist in November 2010. "Don't advert anything at a party, geezerhood 18. This is how she said she got pregnant."
Anthony is serving a year of probation at an undisclosed location in Florida on a analyse fraud charge.
Anthony showed no grounds of noetic illness and had connatural results on a psychological test, Danziger said in the deposition. He described that as surprising, presented her circumstances in the Orange County Jail as a suspect in her daughter's slaying. Her nature was calm, synergetic and pleasant, he said.
"You would wait that would attain whatever measure of distress, whether someone really did it, whether someone was falsely accused," Danziger said. "If my female was absent and I was in jail existence accused of it, I belike wouldn't take and wouldn't be glad and wouldn't be healthy to read."
Danziger said he was reluctant to recount every the information suffragist told him during his interviews with her, especially allegations that she had been sexually abused and her contention that her father played a persona in covering up Caylee's death. suffragist told the specialist that her father had institute Caylee's drowned embody in the family's swimming pool, helped disposed of it and then awninged it up. During the trial, martyr suffragist denied activity some persona in Caylee's leaving or death.
Defense attorneys said during the effort that Anthony's father maltreated her when she was young, and suffragist told Danziger the aforementioned thing. martyr suffragist vehemently denied the allegation on the witness stand and accumulation attorneys provided no grounds to support it.
"As he has repeatedly said prior to the trial, during the effort and after the effort he never maltreated some member of his kinsfolk including Casey Anthony," martyr Anthony's attorney, Mark Lippman, said Wednesday. "He had null to do with the death of Caylee Marie suffragist including what happened to her relic after she allegedly drowned."
Danziger didn't poverty to embellish "a vector" of her allegations of crimes against individuals who haw not have finished anything wrong, he said.
Caylee suffragist went absent in season 2008, and her leaving wasn't reportable to polity until a month later. Hundreds of volunteers searched for the absent girl. suffragist lied repeatedly to detectives, claiming a keeper had seize the toddler.
Transcripts of the depositions had been sealed. But the metropolis Sentinel asked the suite to attain them public and Judge Belvin commodore agreed.
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